Our OBOT/OTP program is for individuals who have completed an IOP and are “stepping down” to a less intensive treatment program or for people who are not in need of an Intensive Outpatient Program. An OBOT/OTP consists of one to eight hours of treatment per week depending upon medical need. Like the IOP, our OBOT/OTP utilizes Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) for addictions whenever possible. In the case of Opioid Addiction, this usually Suboxone, as a safe replacement for the opioid addiction. Our OBOT/OTP also consists of some combination of group, individual, and/or family therapy.
Rather than the 3 hour groups offered in the IOP, OBOT/OTP groups are typically one-hour groups. We offer substance abuse groups (addiction process groups, educational groups and relapse prevention groups). We also offer mental health groups as medically indicated by the needs of each person (anger management, stress management, trauma, depression, family re-integration and expressive therapy). GHR also offers individual therapy to help the individual deal with specific substance abuse issues and/or mental health issues or concerns. Family therapy which allows for healing and successful re-integration into the family system is also available. Psychopharmacological medication management for co-occurring mental health issues (in addition to substance abuse treatment) is provided as medically indicated. History and physical examinations as well as relevant medical screenings are also offered.