Individual Therapy
Very often mental health issues such as depression, trauma, psychosis, bipolar disorder, ADHD etc. co-occur with substance abuse. Left untreated, these mental health issues make permanent recovery more difficult to achieve and increase the probability of relapse. Treatment of mental health issues along with substance abuse issues leads to a more complete and lasting recovery
Family Therapy, Parenting Therapy
Similar to untreated mental health issues affecting the person, untreated stressors and problems within the family system can cause or exacerbate substance usage. Uncovering these issues, improving communication, learning how to resolve conflict etc. leads to a more rapid and stable recovery
Specialty Groups for Co-Occuring Disorders
Group therapy is a helpful tool for dealing with co-occurring issues which can slow down or, sometimes, prevent recovery. Knowing that others have similar difficulties and working as a team or group to confront such issues leads to a healthier lifestyle, aids in recovery and helps prevent relapse. Some of the specialty groups we offer include:
Anger Management/Emotional Regulation Group
This group focuses on understanding and practicing the best techniques to control anger, sadness, shame and other emotions that can feel overwhelming.
Stress Management Group
This group involves learning various techniques to manage stress effectively. Acquired tools are used to improve frustration tolerance. Also important is learning how to adapt to unfamiliar and stressful situations. How to manage money effectively is also discussed.
Depression/Grief Group
Work in this group focuses on understanding the nature and causes of depression. Tools to more effectively deal with depression and grief are learned. Understanding the role of depression (and grief) in substance abuse is also discussed.
Trauma Group
Many individuals who abuse substances do so to avoid facing, confronting or dealing with unresolved trauma. Such trauma could be emotional, physical or sexual in nature.. Trauma can also result from combat related experiences, loss of loved ones, severe financial distress, homelessness etc. Dealing with these issues is curative and allows for a more successful recovery.
Men’s Group
A process group dealing with issues that tend to be specific to men.
Women’s Group
A process group dealing with issues that tend to be specific to women.
Mindfulness Group
This group focuses on learning and practicing techniques that enable patients to be more balanced and centered . Becoming more mindful means becoming less reactive to emotional issues or triggers, less impulsive and more reflective. One also learns how to be more present in the moment rather than stuck in the past.
Nutrition Education
Understanding the role of nutrition and its impact on mood, motivation and behavior.