Our Intensive Out Patient Program (IOP) is for people who do not clinically require, or who have already completed, an in-patient program or partial hospital program. Our IOP addresses the complex needs of people with opioid, alcohol and other addictions as well as co-occurring conditions (relevant medical issues or mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, psychosis, bipolar disorder, PTSD, ADHD, anger management, etc). As safety is our primary concern, a medical History and Physical examination as well as relevant medical screenings are provided. The IOP consists of between 9 and 19 hours of treatment depending upon the specific needs of the person.
Treatment at the GHR Recovery Center involves Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT), through our OBOT. This usually involves Suboxone as a safe replacement for Opioid Addiction. Medication Assisted Treatments for other addictions are also provided.
At minimum, IOP involves three, 3-hour substance abuse groups per week (addiction process groups, education groups, and relapse prevention groups). Addiction process groups are available not only for substance abuse but also for sex, gambling, eating, pornography and internet addictions.
In addition to our 3 hour IOP groups, our OBOT offers 1 hour specialty groups which address co-occurring disorders. Examples of such groups are anger management groups, stress management groups, trauma groups, depression groups, men’s/women’s groups, mindfulness groups, and expressive therapy groups.
In addition to group therapy within the IOP, GHR also offers individual therapy (1 to 1 support) to address substance abuse and mental health issues. Family therapy is another important component of treatment which helps the person successfully reintegrate into the family system.
As a way of providing “one stop shopping”, Dr. Hill provides psychopharmacological medication management for mental health disorders (when indicated) in addition to the Suboxone replacement treatment for opioid addiction(or the Medically Assisted Treatment for other types of substance addictions. Dr. Germano provides screenings for STD’s and other substance abuse related medical conditions.
Our IOP is a comprehensive program designed to address the unique needs of each person and to significantly reduce the possibility of relapse.